So you think you have a lead generation problem?

Think again.

Come to our free workshop

Solving the Root Cause of Your

Lead Gen Problem

Get unstuck and start generating leads with ease.

It’s time to work through the 6 Essential Steps to Sales Success.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024 @ 2PM PT

Often when people think they have a lead generation problem, there is actually something deeper getting in the way of ultimately making more sales. I’m going to let you in on a little secret…lead gen is the easy part.

Does any of this ring true for you:

  • You’re having a lot of coffee dates, but no one’s actually interested in buying anything

  • You’re spending too much time on LinkedIn but not getting engagement 

  • You spend 5 minutes telling people what you do and they still walk away confused

  • You keep second guessing your pricing and changing it

  • Your head is swirling with so many ideas and to-do’s that you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start

If any of this is hitting home for you, then we’ve got exactly what you need to move forward.

What we’ll cover in this workshop:

  • Evaluate the specific challenges you’re having

  • How to identify where your focus actually needs to be in order to generate more sales

  • Determine your immediate action plan

Together, we'll master the 6 essential steps every business owner needs to generate more leads and close more deals.

What you’ll walk away with:

  • Hallelujah-level clarity

  • Knowing where exactly the missing and critical piece is in your growth efforts

  • Next steps you’ll be able to readily and confidently act on

  • Guidance from a fellow BIPOC entrepreneur who has been where you’ve been and has now helped hundreds of other BIPOC Entrepreneurs get unstuck and grow their businesses

  • Confidence in sleaze-less sales strategies to lock in your Ideal Customer

Don’t let chaos, too many ideas, or an overwhelming to-do list stop you from taking actionable steps to grow your business.

Register now for “Solving the Root Cause of Your Lead Gen Problem.”


Hi, I'm Carissa

Founder of CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, a multi-six-figure coaching business for BIPOC coaches, service providers, and creatives.

As a 2nd gen Filipina American, I found my passion for leading social change early on while climbing the corporate ladder and being the first, only, other in the room. Instead of always being told what was possible, I wanted to design my own future and define my own opportunities. My vision of freedom led me to entrepreneurship where I found life-changing success and the chance to help others do the same.

Through CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, I’ve helped hundreds of BIPOC entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their own businesses to reach time and financial freedom. By removing barriers to knowledge, strategies, and resources, my goal is to make business success accessible and achievable so that more of us can exist in rooms where we feel safe and supported to share who we are and achieve our dreams.



We are (e)xchanging all the time – our words, ideas, energy, time, talents, money, products, and services. At CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, we're creating an ecosystem and movement where BIPOC entrepreneurs can exchange with intention and achieve time, location, financial, and occupational freedom. 

Imagine the ripple of impact we could have when we co-create in a community that empowers you to do what you love, live boldly, and design new liberatory futures together.

What are you going to (e)xchange to make a positive change in your life and the lives of others?

Register for “Solving the Root Cause of Your LinkedIn Lead Gen Problem”

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